While out Junktiquing with my BFF (the hubby)... we found a few goodies we couldn't pass up on... which I posted on my 'katmom' blog (you can click on the button on the right to get to it)...
In the mean time here are two that I wanted to share on this blog...
I haven't decided if I will put the grape cluster in Tin Cup (our 1965 Silver Streak)... but the aluminum coasters are perfect! I had a set of 5 aluminum cups but sold them... go figure...
Well Gary found this DVD and said, "You need this!"... he also said, "after all, you are a 'Sister on the Fly' aren't you?...so you need to learn to fly fish!.... uugghh !I hate it when he makes sense! lol!
Maybe we could take our fly polls and go visit Juli on the river. And we can tell Gary we really did practice! Aren't her pictures of that area gorgeous!