(I will add more pictures as they trikle in.)
Take a peek into my trailer...

My camp site was the "Greet, Meet & Eat" site, not to mention fun games & S'MORES.

p.s. that motor home was not with us, they left shortly after I took this photo.

yep, that's me, no make-up, curling iron or Bling! but I do have my martini glasses, lol!
My lil 1963 Serro Scotty...I haven't named her yet, any ideas?
Emily #968 and her home built teardrop of a vintage 1947 model.
Juli #444, "Little Sister"

Oh what a fantastic 4 days with the most delightful "Sisters"....
I spent the last 4 days on the Spokane River "Glamping" (glamour camping) with sisters from Oregon, Idaho & Washington....24 of us ladies, with trailers, food & wine! lol!
The 'skeeters' were relentless, but it didn't deter us!
We watched river otters, eagles, geese, ducks and very overweight marmots play as we camped.
Friday was "Yard Sale & Estate Sale" shopping day & holy cow! these gals can shop!!!! lol!
Saturday was spent at the Spokane Fairgrounds shopping for vintage kitsch at the Farm Chicks Antique Show....again, Shopped till they dropped.
We had a good old fashioned Wienie Roast the first nite, a fabulous pot luck that would rival any catered in event, all made/prepared in our little trailers on Friday night. Saturday's dinner was Chili & Cornbread night,,,,,as well as our awards and White Elephant game night.
Oh and it goes with out saying, we all went back on Sunday to the Farm Chick Show to spend what little money we had left.....I scored some (more) vintage aprons, sewing patterns, bark cloth etc....I too spent my last few nickles! lol!
We had the honor & delight of having author Irene Rawlings & her darling photographer hubby, David follow us around on our trip. Irene is currently writing a book for McMeel publishing company on 'Sisters On The Fly'.....so it was our delight to have her join us... I hope she & David had as much fun with us as we did with them. David even got serenaded by some of the Sisters. He was grinning from ear to ear.....Normally men are not permitted but we made him an honorary Mister Sister....lol!
We also had MaryJane Butters of MaryJane's Organic Farm Magazine camp with us for a couple of days....she was so elated to "trip down memory lane" when she came across Sister Fran's trailer which was the spittin' image of the trailer MaryJane's parents use to use for camping when MaryJane was a child. How cool is that?
MaryJane did a wonderful article in her April/May 2009 issue on the 'Sisters on the Fly'.
She was so gracious and she also brought us copies of the magazine, how cool is that!
We also had Rene, a dear friend of Juli, MaryJane & myself join us as a guest....I'm betting she will be the owner of a vintage trailer here real quick...she has been bit by the 'trailer bug' in a big way! lol! Rene, 2 words...Craigs List!
Several other Sisters brought their real sisters Glamping with us, who knows, our membership may be growing even more! lol!
Several of the ladies have earned their "going potty in the woods" badge....nope, not me, not yet....but maybe next time...lol!
Our newest Sister to the group, "Bonnie-Heather" was our personal tour guide/GPS system...and new all the great spots to go yard sale-ing....and yes, she too spent her last few nickles buying "vintage must haves"...she also had the oldest trailer, 1947.
It goes with out saying, packing up and having to say our good-bys and come back to the real world is so hard,,,but as Roy & Dale would say, "Happy Trails to you, until we meet again"....
"Sisters on the Fly...making Girls outta women"....Mazie, Maurrie & Becky...we made you proud this weekend....