Is this cute or what!!!!

This past Thursday evening about a dozen of us local Sisters on the Fly 'sisters' gathered for dinner at a Greek & very garlicky restaurant...yep, I reeked of garlic for almost 2 days...lol!
Any howzers, Linda surprised me with this sweet ornament that I had been on a quest for.... Thank You So Very Much Linda....I Love It!
It is so cute, it has a little Holiday wreath on the back bumper and it even has a little detailed hitch up front. (it also can fit over a mini tree lite to lite up)
It will go on this years Christmas Tree, then afterwards it will go to it's new home in...oh dear, which trailer? lol!...ok it will go in which ever trailer I happen to be camping in....
Speaking of trailers, #3 "Farm Girl on the Loose" is coming along...Hubby had to buy new plug receptacles, the older ones didn't look good(safe), and better safe than sorry...Hubby also made new wood plate covers,,,way cool!
Floor & moulding trim still need to be done...
I need to go buy the cabinet & drawer pulls,,,at Hobby Lobby,,,they have the glass knobs I want at a decent price.
Ok, off to go play in the snow, yep, we got our 1st snow today...Happy Nov.13, 2010.