ok, so I have to fess up! I spotted this on a blog of a fellow-ette Sister on the Fly.....
And I just could not resist "borrowing" it! (thanx Cyndy)
This is the time of year that a lot of us Gal Pal Glampourettes start getting the urge to abandon our families, pets & household chores to take off for the high road and camp in our cute tricked out lil vintage trailers! And can ya blame us? after nearly 3 months of snow and rain,,we are ready to run for the boarder! lol!
My Social Camping Calendar is starting to get full.....I just hope the price of gas doesn't go up to high, or else I may have to start selling off some of my vintage mixers to fund my trips! lol!
Wagons HO & Happy Trails to you....