Friday, November 27, 2009

Origional Mustang Sally Apron

The western apron is an original Mustang Sally Apron......
How cool is that! it is a retro bark cloth western fabric and will look so cute when I wear it while cooking over a fire pit while camping in my 1959 Aljo with my Sisters on the Fly group.
The pink~n~blue one is a vintage crochet apron that will be used in my 1963 Scotty...notice the cute vintage salt&pepper shakers too!
I was in a Western Apron swap with Sally, a fellowrett farm gal on the MaryJane Farm forum.
I luv all the cool stuff she made & found for me.
Thank you Mustang Sally

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SOTF Pillow

Every gal needs a monogrammed pillow case......I have mine!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyways!...John Wayne".

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our Recent SOTF Get Together...

Well here we are, good friends, good food & good gossip! lol!
These are some of the gals that I camp with, with Sisters on the Fly.
Seated front left, back, around and front right are:
Teresa#430, Raunnie #442, Sandy #555, Tony(new) Heather #1156, Thea #525, Kelly #714, Nancy #697, me #472 and Jane #1234
Even though our sweet little vintage trailers have been put to bed for the Winter, we gals still manage to meet up and discuss upcoming trips as well as reminisce about the fun we had at past ones.
Our next meet up will most likely be in December, over in North Bend, WA...if the weather will cooperate!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tucked in for Winter...

Well it's that time of year,,,when we tuck in our trailers for the Winter.....and already I am daydreaming about next years trailer outings.....but till then I will have to just keep dreaming and making more goodies to decorate my trailers. Speaking of which...I have crochet a pink & blue rag rug for my 1963 Scotty and I also made an(other) apron to use when in my '63 Scotty...this one is brown with grey & pink Scotty dogs...if you click on the pic you will be able to see them better.
The western album is actually a b-day have no idea how much I want to keep it for myself!
As for Peek-a-boo kitty, she is such a camera ham.... I love this wonderful book. It has all sorts of wonderful vintage trailers in fact 2 "sisters" from our Sisters on the Fly group have photos of their trailer in this book.
I love curling up on the sofa and looking through this delightful book. But even more,,,,I am looking forward to the book that Irene Rawling's is creating on Sisters on the Fly and all the wonderful events we attend as well as a lot of our trailer in it...The book is due out in April 2010.
I know I can hardly wait!