Sister #444 Juli's lil "Sweet Sister" this cute or what!?!...She even used a vintage ironing board as a hostess table.
Yep, when it comes to decorating our trailers both inside and out...we go over the top and then some! lol!

Printed by permission from Irene Rawlings...
What’s stronger than campfire coffee?
It’s the bond shared by Sisters on the Fly, a group of nearly 1,500 women
ranging in age from 25 to more than 90. They share many things: flyfishing,
playing poker for pennies, cooking food in cast iron (heavy, but you
don’t have to go to the gym quite so often), and telling tall tales around the
campfire. Their one-of-a-kind vintage trailers have iconic names such as
Sister Sioux, Rhinestone Cowgirl, and Calamity Jane and Miss Montana.
In Sisters on the Fly: Caravans, Campfires, and Tales from the Road
(Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, $14.99, May 2010),
Irene Rawlings celebrates the camaraderie and travels of this remarkable group of women who live by the motto “We have more fun than anyone!”
Started by two real-life sisters in 1999, Sisters on the Fly have been finding (sometimes for as little as $50 in a farmer’s field), restoring, and traveling in uniquely decorated “homes on the range” (or mountain, valley, desert, or beach) that transport them from adventure to adventure.
Sisters on the Fly features tales from the open road, cowgirl crafts, chic trailer décor, recipes passed down from Grandma, and plenty of hints and tips to help transform a vintage trailer from “trashed to treasured.” If you can’t take to the road, you’ll still find plenty of ways to appreciate the creative journeying of this endearing and energetic group of women.
For those women who hear adventure calling, additional information about Sisters on the
Fly—how to join, how to buy a trailer, and a list of upcoming cowgirl caravan trips—can
be found at
Sisters inspire one another to step outside their busy roll of mother, daughter, grandmother,businesswoman,teacher,nurse, civil engineer or federal judge, and devote a little time to the true cowgirl within.
The SOTF cowgirl fixes flat tires, cooks meals that would make John Wayne weak in the knees, traveles and explores with fierce independence and all the while, listens, shares, laughsand loves.
Irene Rawlings not only wears a Cowgirl~Sister on the Fly hat but she also wears the hats of an author, editor, curator, and art reviewer. She hosts an awardwinning
radio show syndicated throughout the Rocky Mountain West, and is the author of two
other books: "Portable Houses" and "The Clothesline".
I can hardly wait for my copy to arrive....oh & for you Colorado readers, Irene will be having a book signing in a few weeks. Check her out on Face Book to get the particulars of when & where.