Monday, February 23, 2009

Pretty scary huh!

And So It Begins.... Demolition Day!

It was a rainy day, perfect for demolition, and so the fun begins.
Hubs & I played in the Man Cave.
*Give a man a hammer & he will pound away for a day...
*Give him a 'Sawsall" & he will cut everything!
I'm thinking he had more fun then I did, tearing the trailer apart.
"Show No FEAR" and he certainly didn't & had fun in the process!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I love the windows on the door. We will have to replace the wood on the door due to the water damage near the bottom.
To see any of these pictures in a larger scale just click on the picture.

The sink has seen better days and as much as I love the formica has to go. It has way to much damage especially around the stove were there is a lot of scorching.
The closet is roomy and there is a little storage shelf on the side of the closet. Perfect for toiletries.
As for those curtains,,,they are soooo history! lol!

The Bankette seats with out the slip covers...I luv the vintage seats!
As for the Oven/ will soon be a rich shade of dark red!
We are also goint to replace the formica around the sink & stove.

Front & back sections of the trailer. The seats have slip covers on them...but not for long.

The rusty red with cream roses is the fabric for the curtains and the other fabrics are for decorator pillows.

Every trailer needs a cute trailer travele here is mine.....

Gracie's Victorian Rose

Welcome to My Gracie's Victorian Rose

We had such fun re-vamping our "Lil Twinkie" 12foot 1976 SCAMP trailer that we wanted to do it again....but this time with a Vintage Canned Ham Lil Twinkie went to a new loving home and we searched till we found "Gracie's Victorian Rose".... We bought her for $950.00....a tad bit more then I wanted to spend...but structurally GVR is in great shape thou she does need some "cosmetic work" and so now the fun begins!
Just hope the old check book holds out!!!! aacckk!
For any of you that have ever "re-done" a Vintage Trailer project...the initial purchase of the trailer is always the cheapest part! But oh the fun, the shopping, the demolition, and finally the restoration!

"Gracie's Victorian Rose" is a bit of a mystery as we do not know her true age (what woman admits her age? haha!)...the previous owner did not have the title & the Washington Dept. of License...could not find enough of the Vin number to run through their system.
The License plate lists it as a 1963...So for now, as far as we know GVR is a 14foot 1963 Aljo Trailer. So by doing the math that makes GVR 46 years old and that makes her younger than me! Hmmmmmm! Unless through our research we find out that she is actually older!

Gary is sliding through cyber space looking for Bits, Pieces & Parts for Gracie's Victorian Rose..... the Internet is a great tool for finding resources and information.
I found the perfect fabric and will be sewing the new curtains this coming week not to mention continue to call Upholstery Shops for quotes on the Sofa and the Bankette seats.... other then that Gary & I will do all the rest of the re-model ourselves.
Well I will be posting LOTS of pics as we progress.
Today's task was demolition, fun but dirty!
So do peek in from time to time and watch the progress.