Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cute, Huh!

So I found this cute plain jane coffee pot that you put on the stove to perculate your coffee...I also found the cute little napkin holder...I bought both for under $ all I had to do was buy a can of red spray paint & have funnnn! It's like daddy said: If it moves, Salute it! If it don't, Paint It! LOL! I love this and it will look so cute in my Aljo- Gracie's Victorian Rose..... if you go about 12 or 13 down you wil see the coffee pot unpainted sitting on the stovetop of my Scotty.

Where Does It All Go!


time to panic! LOL!
Oh dear, hope we can remember where everything goes!
We still have a long way to go on the Aljo, but while everything is out I am toying with the idea of maybe re-designing the interior to better fit my camping needs.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's been pretty quiet here lately!

Karen's 1959 Aljo before my hubby got to go play in it! LOL!
Karen probablly having 2nd thoughts....& wondering what Gary has done to her trailer!
This is Dash,,, Karens B.F.... he wanted to help too!
Me, taking a break from "Supervising" LOL!

Ok so after the Sisters on the Fly camping trip, hubby & I have been busy with "projects"....he is putting in irrigation for our "Baby Orchard in Training" & my Lavender field...
Also a dear friend from Pennsylvania was out for a week long visit and we had the best time at the MaryJane's Farm Fair weekend (see my other blog)....
But now it is time to get back to renovation on the Aljo...GraciesVictorianRose. GVR

Gary & I have discovered that the Aljo is not a 1963 but rather a 1959 trailer... here is the funny part, a dear friend of mine, Karen, just "inherited" a 1959 Aljo...the very twin of my now we are "related" lol!

While Gary and I were over at Karen's working on the back supports on her trailer...we did discover some minor differences in our two trailers which leaves me to believe that they might have been built in two different locations. Which was not uncommon back then.

I am amazed at the work that Karen has done on her trailer already & if things go well,,,,and do renovation/construction jobs ever go perfectly smooth?....her trailer will be up & running for next Summer so she too can have fun camping in a vintage canned ham.