Yep, silly man...enjoying his handy work!

OK, so I like the cleanness of my oven/stove,,I don't want to paint it but it probably wouldn't hurt to give it a fresh coat of white paint..... I have heard that 'Transmission paint' has a high heat tolerance.

The sink is in good shape and a good scrubbin' on the faucet will bring back the shine. But I haven't decided whether to install a Pump Faucet,but if I do then I will have to put in a fresh water holding tank. I have never used my tanks in my other trailers so I will have to think about it.

Hubby putting things away.... OMG! I really do have a counter top! Speaking of which....

I love this front kitchen and all the windows wrapped around the front.

Wowzers....I can hardly wait to decorate! Still need to stain the wood, install the knobs and...now We are thinking we need to replace the counter top.....as this one kinda curls up at the corners...plus it is an ugly faded brown color. 'Home Desperate' Depot here we come!

Hubby has framed out the twin size bed. I am going to buy another 4" memory/high density foam twin size foam pad......I have one in my Scotty and it is wonderful.

Hubby re-wired the exterior lights and now they work perfect!

Getting #3 done....she is progressing and before I know it she & her older sister, 'Scotty with a potty' will be having slumber parties.
It is really going to be cute...looks like you will be enjoying her soon.