All the elcetrical is in & #3 and it works like a charm!

We used non-formaldyhyde insulation.... and Hubby made a easy access hatch to the wires. Which will be hidden under the bed.

This is one of the drawer pulls.... that will be attached.

And the cabinet knobs... I just love them... I got the pulls & knobs at Hobby Lobby at 1/2 price....

Hubby didn't like the sharp corner on the bench so he made it angled... so no more scratches or snags on our legs. Soon I will get to stain/seal the walls and then off to sewing curtains, pillows, cushions and what nots..... #3 is slowly but surely getting done! :>)
Cute knobs...great job, Gary...can't wait to see her on the road...will you take her out in October?