SCORE! Do you know how hard these are to find???? & my Prince Charming of a hubby spotted it for me! Thank you Prince Charming....

I came across this sweet little Homer Laughlin plate for a dollar... it is going in trailer #3..

Then I came across this koolieo mid-century ash tray...I don't smoke but it will make a sweet ring holder in my 'Scotty w/a Potty' trailer.

I bought this twin size Chenille spread to use as a 'cutter'....I think I might use it to make curtains for the front window in my Scotty... yaya, I know,,, I just made a new set of curtains for the window but I am not totally crazy about them... and I love how old Chenille fabric makes cute vintage curtains.
I also scored 2 'Zane Grey' books, 1942... and also (a 2nd) Singer 301... this one is a tan colored machine, my other one is black. My new old 301 runs smooth & I can hardly wait to play with it.
I love having one last good shopping day in the old year and before the New Year starts....
I have to say, Prince Charming was such a good sport taking me Junktiquing. ILY!
Lucky you....love the cooler and I love your chenille curtains....more more more....
ReplyDeleteThat Gary....he's just wonderful!